affirmations for healing

116 Affirmations For Healing

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Healing of any form is a hard and difficult process. It is a slow and gradual process and a painful one. The process of healing forces us to confront our worst fears and traumas. It forces us to fight against our demons and darkness and emerge victorious.

Here are 116 affirmations for healing that will help you to continue this journey and emerge as a better person.

Positive Affirmations For Healing

positive affirmations for healing
  1. I am worthy of healing, and I embrace the journey towards wholeness and well-being.
  2. I release any past hurts or traumas and allow healing energy to flow through me.
  3. Each day, I am getting stronger, healthier, and more vibrant in my body, mind, and spirit.
  4. I am open to receiving healing energy and support from the universe and those around me.
  5. I am deserving of love, compassion, and forgiveness, both from others and from myself.
  6. I release any negative patterns or beliefs that no longer serve my highest good, and I welcome positive transformation.
  7. I nurture myself with self-care practices that promote healing and balance in all aspects of my life.
  8. I am connected to the healing power of nature, allowing its energy to rejuvenate and restore me.
  9. I am resilient, and I have the strength to overcome any challenges on my healing journey.
  10. I trust in the wisdom of my body to heal itself, and I support it with healthy choices and self-care.
  11. I am grateful for the lessons that my healing journey has taught me, and I embrace personal growth and transformation.
  12. I surround myself with loving and supportive people who uplift and inspire me on my path to healing.
  13. I choose to let go of resentment, anger, and any negative emotions, and I embrace forgiveness and peace.
  14. I am in tune with my body’s needs, and I give it the rest, nourishment, and care it requires to heal.
  15. I am guided by intuition and inner wisdom, making choices that support my healing and well-being.
  16. I am gentle and patient with myself as I heal, understanding that healing is a process that takes time.
  17. I release any attachment to the past and embrace the present moment as a source of healing and renewal.
  18. I am grateful for the healing energy that surrounds me, bringing balance and harmony to my life.
  19. I am deserving of vibrant health and well-being, and I affirm my commitment to nurturing myself.
  20. I am a beacon of healing energy, radiating positivity and wellness to myself and those around me.

Daily Affirmations For Healing

daily affirmations for healing
  1. I am open to receiving healing energy and allowing it to flow through every cell of my body.
  2. My body is a remarkable vessel capable of healing itself, and I trust in its innate wisdom.
  3. I release any emotional wounds and choose to embrace forgiveness and compassion towards myself and others.
  4. Each day, I am becoming stronger, healthier, and more vibrant in my body, mind, and spirit.
  5. I am deserving of love, peace, and joy, and I invite them into my life as part of my healing journey.
  6. I let go of any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that hinder my healing process, and I embrace positive affirmations.
  7. My mind is a powerful tool for healing, and I focus my thoughts on wellness, vitality, and positivity.
  8. I honour my body’s needs and nourish it with wholesome foods, restful sleep, and gentle movement.
  9. I release any stress or tension and allow relaxation and calmness to fill every fibre of my being.
  10. I am grateful for the support and care I receive from healthcare professionals, loved ones, and the universe.
  11. I embrace the power of gratitude, knowing that it opens my heart to receive healing on all levels.
  12. I trust in divine timing and know that my healing is unfolding perfectly according to my highest good.
  13. I let go of the past and live fully in the present moment, where true healing resides.
  14. I am a source of healing and love, and I radiate these qualities to myself and others.
  15. I am in harmony with the natural rhythms of life, allowing them to support and guide my healing process.
  16. I surround myself with positive influences and create a healing environment that nurtures my well-being.
  17. I release any attachment to outcomes and surrender to the journey of healing, trusting in the process.
  18. I acknowledge and honour my emotions, allowing myself to feel and express them in healthy and healing ways.
  19. I listen to my body’s messages and respond with compassion and self-care, nurturing my healing journey.
  20. I am a resilient being, capable of overcoming challenges and embracing a life of wholeness and well-being.

Affirmations For Healing Your Inner Child 

affirmations for healing your inner child
  1. I embrace my inner child with open arms and provide a safe space for healing and growth.
  2. I love and accept my inner child unconditionally.
  3. I release any past pain or trauma that has affected my inner child, allowing them to heal and thrive.
  4. I give my inner child permission to express themselves authentically and fully.
  5. I listen to the needs and desires of my inner child, honouring their emotions and experiences.
  6. I provide nurturing and care to my inner child, offering them the love and support they may have missed in the past.
  7. I am patient and gentle with my inner child, understanding that healing takes time and compassion.
  8. I create joyful and playful experiences for my inner child, allowing them to experience happiness and innocence.
  9. I protect and advocate for my inner child, ensuring their safety and well-being in all aspects of my life.
  10. I validate the emotions and experiences of my inner child, acknowledging their pain and offering comfort and reassurance.
  11. I forgive any perceived shortcomings or mistakes of my inner child, understanding that they did their best with the resources they had.
  12. I release any self-judgment or criticism towards my inner child, embracing their unique qualities and strengths.
  13. I encourage and support the creative expression of my inner child, allowing them to explore and discover their passions.
  14. I provide a nurturing inner dialogue that uplifts and encourages my inner child, replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations.
  15. I am present with my inner child, offering them my full attention and love in each moment.
  16. I engage in inner child healing practices, such as visualization, journaling, or art therapy, to connect with and heal my inner child.
  17. I celebrate the resilience and strength of my inner child, acknowledging their ability to overcome challenges and thrive.

Affirmations For Healing To Overcome Your Trauma

affirmations for healing to overcome your trauma
  1. I am a survivor, and I am on a path of healing and recovery from my trauma.
  2. I acknowledge the pain I have experienced, but I refuse to let it define or control me.
  3. I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming the effects of my trauma.
  4. Healing is a journey, and I am committed to taking the necessary steps to heal and find peace.
  5. I release any shame or guilt that I may have carried as a result of my trauma. I am not at fault.
  6. I deserve to be happy, healthy, and whole, and I am actively working towards that every day.
  7. I give myself permission to heal at my own pace and in my own way. There is no right or wrong timeline.
  8. I am surrounded by love and support from people who believe in my healing and growth.
  9. I choose to let go of negative beliefs and self-talk that no longer serve me, and I embrace positive affirmations.
  10. I am not alone in my healing journey. There are others who understand and can empathize with what I have been through.
  11. I am reclaiming my personal power and rediscovering my sense of self-worth and self-love.
  12. I am capable of creating a life that is filled with love, joy, and fulfilment, despite my past trauma.
  13. I am healing on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
  14. I trust myself to make decisions that are in alignment with my healing and well-being.
  15. I release the need to constantly relive my trauma. I am focusing on the present moment and building a brighter future.
  16. I am resilient, and I am turning my pain into strength, wisdom, and compassion.
  17. I am allowed to set boundaries to protect myself and create a safe space for healing.
  18. I am actively seeking professional help and utilizing therapeutic resources to support my healing process.
  19. I am not defined by my trauma. I am defined by my ability to rise above it and create a life of meaning and purpose.
  20. I forgive myself for any perceived shortcomings or mistakes related to my trauma. I am worthy of self-compassion.
  21. I am open to receiving love and support from others. I allow myself to be seen, heard and understood.
  22. I release any negative energy or emotions tied to my trauma. I am freeing myself from its grip.
  23. I am embracing the present moment and finding joy in the simple pleasures of life.
  24. I am cultivating self-care practices that nourish my mind, body, and spirit.
  25. I am choosing to focus on my strengths, resilience, and the lessons I have learned from my trauma.
  26. I am reclaiming my sense of safety and creating an environment that promotes healing and well-being.
  27. I am worthy of healthy and fulfilling relationships. I attract loving and supportive people into my life.
  28. I am no longer defined by my past. I am creating a future that is filled with hope, happiness, and growth.
  29. I trust in the process of healing. Even on difficult days, I know that progress is being made.
  30. I release any attachments to my trauma. I am free to live a life that is not defined by it.
  31. I am choosing to focus on the present moment, finding gratitude for the positive aspects of my life.
  32. I am rewiring my thoughts and beliefs, replacing negative patterns with positive and empowering ones.
  33. I am letting go of the need for validation from others. My healing and growth come from within.
  34. I honour my journey and the strength it has taken to get where I am today.

Affirmations For Healing For Better Mental Health

affirmations for healing for better mental health
  1. I am deserving of mental health and well-being, and I am actively working towards healing and growth.
  2. I am not defined by my struggles or challenges. I am defined by my resilience and ability to overcome them.
  3. I release any shame or guilt associated with my mental health. I am allowed to prioritize my well-being.
  4. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve me, and I embrace positive affirmations.
  5. I am worthy of love, compassion, and support. I surround myself with people who uplift and understand me.
  6. I am taking steps every day to nurture my mental health and create a balanced and fulfilling life.
  7. I give myself permission to prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring me joy and peace of mind.
  8. I am not alone in my struggles. There are resources, support networks, and professionals available to assist me.
  9. I am cultivating a positive and supportive inner dialogue. I speak to myself with kindness, compassion, and understanding.
  10. I am resilient, and I have the strength to face any challenges that come my way.
  11. I trust in my ability to make healthy choices for my mental well-being. I listen to my needs and honour them.
  12. I release any expectations or pressures I may have placed on myself. I embrace self-acceptance and self-compassion.
  13. I am allowed to ask for help when I need it. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  14. I am in control of my thoughts, and I choose to focus on positive and empowering perspectives.
  15. I am worthy of happiness, peace, and fulfilment. I deserve to live a life that brings me joy and contentment.
  16. I release any comparisons to others and focus on my own journey of healing and growth.
  17. I am creating healthy boundaries to protect my mental well-being. I prioritize activities and relationships that nurture me.
  18. I am mindful of my self-talk and actively replace negative thoughts with positive and affirming ones.
  19. I embrace self-reflection and personal growth. I am open to learning and evolving on my healing journey.
  20. I am patient and gentle with myself as I navigate my mental health. Healing takes time, and I trust in the process.
  21. I am worthy of forgiveness, both from others and from myself. I release any resentment or guilt that hinders my progress.
  22. I am cultivating a sense of gratitude for the present moment and the blessings that surround me.
  23. I am actively practising self-care and self-love as essential components of my mental health journey.
  24. I trust in my intuition and inner wisdom to guide me towards choices and actions that support my mental well-being.
  25. I am creating a positive and supportive environment that fosters my mental health and nurtures my growth.

Bottom Line 

Healing is an excruciatingly long process that is also painful. It is only natural that we might want to give up especially when we are forced to confront our worst fears. But we still need to keep going in order to free ourselves from the burdens of the past. Repeat these affirmations to make the journey of healing more smooth.

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