self love affirmations

60 Self Love Affirmations

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We all live in a harsh world where everyone seems to only care about themselves. Hence, it becomes necessary to be kind to yourself and be gentle with yourself. Not many people will be kind to you. They will be harsh with you, criticise you and look down on you. But it is necessary that you are kind to yourself, and have patience with yourself to learn and grow as an individual.

Here are 60 self-care affirmations:

Positive Self Love Affirmations

I choose to let go of self-criticism and embrace self-compassion.

positive self love affirmations

I am worthy of love and happiness.

I accept myself unconditionally, flaws and all.

I am enough just as I am.

I deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

I am beautiful, both inside and out.

I trust in my abilities to overcome challenges.

I am deserving of love and affection.

I am proud of who I am becoming.

I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace my growth.

I am deserving of success and abundance.

I am grateful for my unique qualities and talents.

I prioritize self-care and nourish my mind, body, and soul.

I am confident and capable of achieving my goals.

I am worthy of my own love and care.

Daily Self-love Affirmations

I am deserving of love, happiness, and all the good things life has to offer.

daily self-love affirmations

Today, I choose to love and accept myself unconditionally.

I am grateful for my unique qualities and the value I bring to the world.

I release all negative self-judgment and embrace my inherent worthiness.

I trust myself to make decisions that align with my highest good.

I am proud of my progress, both big and small.

I let go of comparing myself to others and focus on my own journey.

I am open to receiving love and kindness from others.

I am gentle with myself during times of difficulty and practice self-compassion.

I honour my boundaries and prioritize self-care in all aspects of my life.

I embrace my strengths and use them to create a positive impact.

I acknowledge and celebrate my achievements, no matter how small.

I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me.

I am resilient, and I have the power to overcome any challenges that come my way.

I am deserving of love, respect, and success, and I claim them for myself.

Motivational Self Love Affirmations

I am deserving of all the success and happiness that comes my way.

motivational self love affirmations

I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

I am resilient, and I can overcome any obstacles that come my way.

My dreams are valid, and I have the power to turn them into reality.

I trust in my abilities to handle any challenges that come my way.

I am worthy of love and respect, both from myself and others.

I embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

I am courageous, and I step out of my comfort zone to pursue my dreams.

I am a powerful creator, and I manifest my desires with clarity and intention.

I am grateful for my past experiences as they have shaped me into who I am today.

I radiate confidence and inspire others with my authentic self.

I let go of self-doubt and believe in my abilities wholeheartedly.

I am deserving of self-care and prioritize my well-being.

I choose to surround myself with positive influences that support my growth.

I am a unique and valuable individual, and I embrace my individuality.

Self Love Affirmations To Repeat Every Night Before Sleep

I am proud of myself for the progress I made today, no matter how small.

motivational self love affirmations

I am grateful for all the love and abundance in my life.

I release any negative thoughts or emotions from the day and embrace peace within myself.

I am deserving of a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

I forgive myself for any mistakes I made and choose to learn and grow from them.

I let go of any self-judgment and replace it with self-compassion and acceptance.

I am at peace with who I am, and I love and accept myself unconditionally.

I trust in my inner wisdom to guide me towards making choices that serve my highest good.

I release any worries or anxieties and choose to embrace a calm and peaceful mind.

I am open to receiving love, support, and abundance from the universe.

I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me. I treat it with love and respect.

I am worthy of happiness, joy, and fulfilment in all areas of my life.

I am confident in my abilities and trust in my journey.

I am surrounded by love and positive energy that nourishes and supports me.

I am deserving of a night of deep, restorative sleep, and I wake up refreshed and ready for a new day.

Bottom Line

It is important that we learn how to take care of ourselves while navigating through life. We will only be loved by others if we love ourselves. We cannot expect others to love us if we do not feel the same for ourselves.

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